Friday, June 29, 2012

I think this blog thing is working

It forced me to do my workout last night.

Seriously, it did. I didn't get home till late and as I shuffled through the door at seven pm, all I wanted was to make some food, clean up around the house, and then collapse into a happy cocoon of mindless televised bliss for a while. Then I remembered this blog and I knew I couldn't do that. I had made a promise, not just to me but to whoever might be reading this. I was going to stick with my workout, I couldn't just miss a day, epecially this early in the game.

Damn skippy.

So as much as I wanted to sit on my couch, I knew I had to get up and do my work out. RAR. I are tough.

Anyway, last night's fun consisted of 1 pull up, 5 push-ups with a 20 lb weight vest, 5 squats with the weight vest and a 15 lb weight in each hand, 5 bicep curls with the 15 lb weight, and 5 shoulder presses with the 15 lb weight. Wash, rinse, repeat 5 times with a 3 minute breather between each set. Not too horrible, honestly, and it went by quickly enough. The breaks in between sets are nice because it gives me an excuse to get all ADD on Tumblr for a few minutes. Nothing distracts from muscle fatigue like random animated gifs and appropriately snarky posters.

Feeling any muscle fatigue right now? No? See, it works.

After my workout, I crawled to the shower and my wonderful, amazing, incredible husband gave me a can of coconut water. I have no shame. I curled right up in the tub and nursed that coconut water like it was the secret to life. If you've never had any, trust me when I say that it's a great thing to follow up a workout with when smoothies aren't readily available. It's packed with potassium and is very good at rehydrating you.

I admittedly didn't post this entry last night, sorry about that, but I spent the rest of the evening cooking dinner and then curling up on the couch with my loving husband who had folded the laundry for me. This morning, I'm not too horribly sore, so that's good. It'll make working out tonight much easier. ;)

That's all for now!

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